Logo design for Resource Rediscovery

I was approached by a contact at the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection for help branding a project to modernize Connecticut’s aging and inefficient solid waste system.

Early logo design concepts for Resource Rediscovery project

Following the initial meeting with the client, it was clear that the project needed to visualize closing the loop between the state’s mounting municipal solid waste problem and its dwindling capacity for energy generation.

Both challenges were due to aging systems and infrastructure, and the Resource Rediscovery project sought a solution to both.

These early logo concepts explored various ways to incorporate the symbol for infinity, reframing the waste as a valuable resource that could be used for renewable energy generation.

Logo design details showing aspects of the Resource Rediscovery logo
background image of accumulated municipal solid waste

This initiative sought to solicit proposals for the redevelopment of the Connecticut Solid Waste System Project

Color Palette

Early on, the environmental palette of green and blue was chosen, later refined to these bright and energetic hues.

Municipal Waste
rgb: 36/36/38
cmyk: 72/67/63/70
hex: #242426

Energy Blue
rgb: 50/145/219
cmyk: 73/33/0/0
hex: #3291DB

Energy Green
rgb: 14/180/49
cmyk: 79/0/100/0
hex: #0EB431

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